Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't Let him Hold You Hostage!

For far to long, we have been allowing the devil to hold us hostage with stuff that doesn't even belong to him.  You may be feeling down and out wondering why he, (the devil) has tied up somethings you long for. Advice, you need to remember that what he is offering neither belongs to him or you. I'm here to tell you today that what he is offering is to interrupt your purpose and destroy you. Wait on GOD, your time is not running out. GOD is in control. Maybe it doesn't matter how hard you try you just can't seem to find a job. Then all of a sudden all manners of jobs you know you have no business accepting appear readily available for you to walk into. Wait on GOD, he is a sustainer, a provider and he is more than able to keep you. Maybe nothing seems to work out for you and he, (the devil) is telling you to give up, lay down and die. Well just remember this, he hasn't any control over your life unless you hand it over to him. He has no control whether you live of die so don't allow him to hold you hostage! Not with people, your mind, emotions,or material goods! It may feel like he (the devil) is playing Russian roulette with your life but you have the power through JeSuS Christ who strengthens you to stand up, walk out and not to look back. If he could have killed you he wouldn't waste his time playing. The barrel is empty! When you surrender your will to GOD you are allowing him to take charge of all facets of your life and GOD said in,

Jeremiah 29v11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12

 Psalm 24v 1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.

So don't let the devil hold you hostage!

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